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VVV maintains a log folder, with several subfolders:

The provisioners folder contains full log output for each provisioner, grouped into folders by date and time.

PHP Error Logs

You can find PHP fpm and error logs in the logs/php folder, grouped by PHP version.

Additionally, WP_DEBUG_LOG can be used in wp-config.php to control where a WordPress site logs its PHP errors to.

Per Site PHP error logs

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to have separate log files for each site using the same PHP-FPM, however each error contains the path of the file which can be used to seperate different sites.

For more contextual error handling, look at using XDebug.

Nginx Access Logs

The main log file is in log/nginx, however, individual sites have a log subfolder with site specific access and error logs. These are defined in the nginx configuration of that site.


We do not log emails to a file, instead VVV provides MailHog which intercepts all emails and presents them in a GUI.

Provisioner Output

By default, site and extension provisioners only show errors in the terminal when provisioning. The full output is logged to a file. For example:

Other Logs

Other logs may exist inside the virtual machine, e.g. MariaDB logs. You can SSH or SFTP into the virtual machine to view these.