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Adding a new site is as simple as adding it under the sites section of config.yml then reprovisioning. If config/config.yml does not exist, run vagrant status and it will be created for you.

A VVV site in config.yml will have a name, a provisioner repo: that tells VVV how to install software such as WordPress, and hosts that tell it the top level domains to serve the site on. We use the .test TLD as it’s protected by RFCs and designed for local development ( .local has more restrictions and is used by Bonjour/Zeroconf ).


Here are several examples of sites that can be added to config/config.yml in the sites: section:

WordPress Site WordPress Sub-directory Multisite WordPress Sub-domain Multisite WordPress Core Dev Environment WordPress.org Meta Environment WordPress Nightly Site Empty Custom Site A site with a wp-content git repo Drupal CraftCMS VIP Go Adding An Existing Site

Always Reprovision on Changes

Modifying a sites provisioner files, or config/config.yml, requires a reprovision to take effect. To do this run: vagrant up --provision

WordPress Site

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - example.test

This creates a site named example with a WordPress install at http://example.test in the www/example/public_html folder.

The repo parameter tells VVV we want a WordPress site and downloads install instructions. The hosts parameter tells VVV the domain to use for the site.

Then, save config/config.yml and run vagrant up --provision to update VVV with the new site. Be sure to indent correctly as whitespace matters in YAML files, VVV prefers to indent using 2 spaces.

Always Reprovision on Changes

Modifying a sites provisioner files, or config/config.yml, requires a reprovision to take effect. To do this run: vagrant up --provision

Once vagrant up --provision finishes, you will have a brand new WordPress install! We can now visit http://example.test to view the site, or open the www/example folder in an editor to start making changes to our site. To log in, use admin and password.

WordPress Sub-directory Multisite

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - multisite.test
      wp_type: subdirectory

This creates a subdirectory based multisite named multisite-subdir at http://multisite.test in the www/multisite-subdir/public_html folder.

WordPress Sub-domain Multisite

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - subdomainmultisite.test
      - one.subdomainmultisite.test
      - two.subdomainmultisite.test
      wp_type: subdomain

This creates a subdomain multisite named multisite-subdomain at http://subdomainmultisite.test in the www/multisite-subdomain/public_html folder. You will need to update the hosts section and reprovision when adding new subdomains to the multisite. We recommend doing this in advance.

WordPress Core Dev Environment

    description: "An svn based WP Core trunk dev setup, useful for contributor days, Trac tickets, patches"
    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template-develop.git
      - trunk.wordpress.test

This creates a WordPress core dev site named wordpress-trunk at http://trunk.wordpress.test in the www/wordpress-trunk/public_html folder.

This is useful for contributing to new WordPress releases, testing patches, or making fixes. This is not optimal for client work on plugins and themes.

WordPress.org Meta Environment

    description: "An environment useful for contributions to the WordPress meta team."
    repo: https://github.com/WordPress/meta-environment.git
      - wp-meta.test
        "buddypressorg.test": true
        "jobs.wordpressnet.test": true
        "wordcamp.test": true
        "wordpressorg.test": true
        "wordpresstv.test": true

This creates a collection of sites for working on WordPress.org named wordpress-meta-environment at http://wp-meta.test in the www/wordpress-meta-environment/public_html folder.

Provisioning this site takes a longer time, so be patient. It can be used to work on WordPress TV, WordCamps, and other .org sites.

WordPress Nightly Site

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - wpnightly.test
      wp_type: nightly

This creates a WP Nightly site named nightly at http://wpnightly.test in the www/nightly/public_html folder. This is useful for testing themes and plugins with unreleased versions of WordPress.

Empty Custom Site

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - mysite.test
      wp_type: none

This creates a site named foobar with an empty public_html folder to put a static site or PHP application at http://mysite.test in the www/foobar/public_html folder.

You might do this if you have an existing site, or want to manually install WordPress or competing software.

A Site With a wp-content Git Repo

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - acme.test
          repo: "repo to clone..."
          overwrite_on_clone: true

This creates a WP site named acmecorp at http://acme.test in the www/acmecorp/public_html folder. The specified git repo will be cloned to public_html/wp-content, and the existing folder will be deleted and replaced with the git repo if cloning has not happened yet.

Click here for more information about custom git checkouts and folders.


This creates a Drupal site named drupal-site at http://drupal.test in the www/drupal-site/public_html folder.

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - drupal.test
          create-project: drupal/recommended-project
      wp_type: none
      public_dir: public_html/web

You will need to create a database using PHPMyAdmin for this site, and you might need to create custom Nginx rules. The example also assumes a public_html/web subfolder is the webroot based on Drupal recommendations at the time of writing.


This should set up a copy of Craft CMS in the public_html folder, and tells VVV to serve the public_html/web subfolder as the root, you may need to adjust the Nginx configuration of this site, or decide to change the folder configuration:

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git
      - craft.test
          create-project: craftcms/craft
      wp_type: none
      public_dir: public_html/web

This creates a Craft CMS site named craft at http://craft.test in the www/craft/public_html folder. Set up a database/user for Craft to use then head to https://craft.test/index.php?p=admin/install to continue the installation.

After provisioning, you will need to complete setup by following the official Craft CMS install instructions.

Note that while this will install Craft for you via composer, nothing prevents setting wp_type: none; and manually installing Craft by hand.

Additional Configuration Options

The custom site template supports options such as changing the version of WordPress, database names, site titles, and more. For a full list of what the official site template supports, check the readme on Github.

Migrating from VVV 1.x

If you’re migrating a site from VVV 1, read this page, then visit the migration page for further details.

Default Sites

VVV provides a number of default sites, and some that are disabled by default. If you can repurpose these then no config modification is necessary.

You may also find that the default sites created by VVV are enough for what you need. Read about the default sites here.

Importing a Production Database

At this point, mysql or phpMyAdmin can be used to upload a database for content, and the plugins/themes/uploads folders can be copied. The installation of WP will be in www/example/public_html.

PHP Error Logs

PHP error logs are located in the main VVV folder in logs/php/. Note that if your site specified WP_DEBUG_LOG then WordPress will redirect PHP error logs to wp-content/debug.log by default.

Official Site Templates

The site templates officially supported by VVV project are:

These can also be forked for custom provisioners. If you want to fork the site template, be sure to change the repo value to point to your new location.

Always Reprovision on Changes

Modifying a sites provisioner files, or config/config.yml, requires a reprovision to take effect. To do this run: vagrant up --provision