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VVV uses a config file to identify what sites it has, which software to install, and what kind of virtual machine you prefer. This file is located in at config/config.yml, and is created the first time you run a vagrant command by copying config/default-config.yml. This is what the default config file looks like.

Before VVV 3.2 the file was named vvv-config.yml/vvv-custom.yml and was located in the main folder.

The sites block

When defining a site, the only required item is the name of the site. This single line would be a perfectly valid site definition:


You could not visit example-site however unless you created a www/example-site folder and place a vvv-nginx.conf file inside it and reprovisioned.

Note that site provisioners may add their own custom values, see the custom-site-template documentation on GitHub for information on what is supported.


If there are a lot of sites in config/config.yml, you may want to skip several sites that aren’t in use. To do this, set the skip_provisioning key, for example:

    skip_provisioning: true
    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git

Now VVV will skip that site when running the provisioner. This means that the hosts, nginx config, and vvv-init.sh script will not be copied or ran.


The description key allows you to provide an optional description which will be displayed in the VVV dashboard.


This specifies a git repository that contains the site to be provisioned. If set, VVV will grab the git repo, place it in the appropriate place, and provision the site.

There’s also a shorthand version:

example-site: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template.git


If the repo key is being used, and the branch key is set, VVV will checkout that branch instead of master.


This controls the folder inside the virtual machine the sites main folder is mapped on to. Note that this only works for the primary site folder, it can’t be used for map arbitrary/multiple subfolders.


This controls which folder on the host machine VVV uses for this sites main folder. By default, it uses a folder with the sites name inside the www subfolder.

For example, a site named test would be inside the www/test folder. Note this only works for an entire site, it cannot be used to selectively map subfolders or sub-sections of a sites.


This option sets the version of PHP used to provision and serve the site. You can read more about it here.


This option sets where Nginx passes requests to, and is primarily for setting the PHP version used. Most people should use the php: parameter instead to do this. You can read more about it here.


This defines the domains and hosts for VVV to listen on. If a vagrant host plugin is installed, your hosts file will automatically be updated when the machine is turned on and off.

  - one.wordpress.test


This option is similar to the previous one, the difference is that it lets you to set the PHP version to use during the provisioning of that site.


This allows setting various overrides for the site. In the default-config.yml file above, you can see how it is being used to set various wordpress constants:

    WP_DEBUG: true
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: true

The extensions block

Extensions are repositories and packages VVV pulls in to provide additional services, such as PHPMyAdmin, TLS certificate authorities or MemcachedAdmin. You can learn more about the VVV core utilities here.

Extensions used to be called utilities, but we renamed it after people kept creating feature requests to avoid confusion.

Additional versions of PHP may also be added here.

The vm_config block

The vm_config section controls how Vagrant provisions the virtual machine, and can be used to increase the memory given to VVV and the number of CPU cores, along with the provider for the machine. For WP core development, we recommend at least 2GB (2048) of memory. If you have 4GB of system memory, lower this to 768 or you may encounter issues.

This configuration would tell VVV to create a virtual machine with 4GB of RAM and a single CPU core:

  memory: 4096
  cores: 1

VVV uses VirtualBox by default, but you can set the provider key to specify hyperv, parallels, or vmware_desktop.

The general block

This section defines options which are specific to VVV.


Backup the databases to the database/backups subfolder on halt/suspend/destroy, set to false to disable.


Imports the databases if they’re missing from backups, set to false to disable.


Set to true to use a synced shared folder for MariaDB database storage, could create issues on different systems. This is false/off by default


Tells composer can use a GitHub token to speed up download and avoid rate limiting issues when downloading packages.


This section is used for settings for the plugin supported by VVV, use as reference the config.yml file.