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VVV is built with multiple repositories, but we track tickets on the main VVV repositorys issues.

Every ticket is labelled by the project that it involves, like the provision for the custom-site-template or the dashboard.

Pick an issue that is interesting for you, and don’t hesitate to ask for hints on the tickets itself, so we can track openly every feedback to achieve better results.

The CD-USB-Generator is the exception to the rule of the issue in the main repo. This repo contains scripts to generate USB sticks with copies of VVV for WordCamp contributor days.


The workflow is simple, a contributor opens a pull request, and the VVV testers team is alerted of it. To test is required a bit of knowledge of Linux, git and command line.

We suggest to install in your machine hub globally because simplify a lot the workflow of creating a new branch with the code of the pull request.

Hub is a wrapper for git that extend his features without noticing it, so you can use it without any issues in other projects.


That’s it!

Another suggestion is to check the pull request ticket for other things to verify like commands or features to do a better test.